The death of Roe v. Wade, and possibly other rights
Read this and weep--and/or rage.
I'm hand-copying a meme from Facebook (I can't figure out how to copy and paste a meme, if it's possible):
"Grey DeLisle
In 2013 I got pregnant with triplets but we had no idea that one was growing in my Fallopian tube. One night it burst open and I lost over 1/2 the blood in my body and was very close to death. I needed emergency surgery and a d&c. If not for #RoeVWade I'd be dead."
Banning abortion demonstrates a blatant indifference to the life and health of women, as well as a wish to turn back the clock and make women's bodies subject to external (mostly male) control. This is more about the patriarchy than about babies. (A Handmaid's Tale was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not a blueprint 😡. ) If banning abortion were about the welfare of babies, why is there so little concern shown for what happens to them *after* they're born? Where is the parental leave, the daycare, the funding for a good education?
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